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Mar 25, 2025







Airline Dot Form Information

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Information about the veterinarian and animal trainer is required only for service dog airline forms. As a service dog owner, you have the right to train your dog yourself.

If you are unable to provide the required details, you can choose to register without the airline form or register as an emotional support dog.

I Agree to

Please fill in all required fields to proceed with the purchase.

  • Primary Animal Handler
  • Animal Type
  • Animal Breed
  • Animal Name
  • Registration State
  • Attach Animal Photo
  • Description of the Animal (including weight)
  • Veterinarian’s Name
  • Veterinarian’s Phone
  • Name of Animal Trainer or Organization
  • Agree with all of the above. Agree of 8

* Complete the fields on the following steps to proceed to payment.

>300k of Registered Animals

Click on the photo to read our customers' happy stories

Service Dog feedback photo

Wendy & Fancy

I love my ESA ID card so much because we can bring our baby Coal almost anywhere we go

Maltesse colt vest feedback


My Maltese Terrier, Colt is so cute in your vest

ESA full kit feedback


The ESA kit is super useful for my everyday routine with Blacky.

bulldog service dog feedback


He’s nowhere near as tough as he looks in photos, lol.

My service dog, Jimmy, is the sweetest

Service Dog on duty vest

Peter K.

Now I can finally live in my apartment with my Lucky

Service horse feedback

Jessica Bever

Did you know how much a pony can bring into your life and pull you out of depression? I sure didn’t until I got mine. Huge shoutout to ESAcert for helping me get him fully registered

Parrot ESA feedback

A. K.

I was really in a bind because my landlord was giving me a hard time about keeping my parrot with me, even though he’s been a total game-changer for my mental health. I was feeling pretty stuck until I found ESAcert


My little service dog, Prince, is seriously a lifesaver for me, no joke. He’s pulled me through some tough times, and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him

I love when the digital world makes our offline lives easier. Thanks, ESAcert, for the online ID and your consultations—they’re seriously useful


You guys have a really top-notch dog harness and a set of patches.

On Duty Service dog


Your registration literally saved me from being evicted when my apartment management changed. They just didn’t understand how important my service dog, Derek, is to me. Thanks

Fiby F.

Even the small and fluffy ones can be real service dogs. Am I right?


My Jess is truly grateful for the registration, ID card, and all the accessories. I feel so much more confident taking her out in public

service dog feedback

Sofia W.

This is my service dog, Bonny. Thank you for your work and the personalized approach

service dog on duty


Winston is now officially my service dog! Thank you so much for answering all my questions and helping me with his official status

Mia V.

My Lucky is now a service dog, and I couldn’t be happier about it!

Service dog poodle

Mark Twor

This is my curly-haired service dog. I trained him myself, and I’m so proud of that. Now he’s my best helper

Service Dog Feedback


It feels like my German Shepherd’s gotten a bit happier now that she’s officially registered



A rabbit can be an amazing emotional support animal—take it from me !

Big ADA dog feedback


Finally, I was able to bring my service dog with me to the U.S. and live with him in my condo.

Service terrier dog feedback


Just want to say thanks for the quick registration and awesome support. Alice in customer service is an absolute gem!

ADA dog feedback

Waylon Swanson

You guys have definitely earned a good review from me. The process was really quick

purple ada vest feedback


Service dogs deserve way more recognition from everyday people. Thanks to ESAcert for making sure my service dog is officially recognized


Finally, I can confidently take my service dog into all the stores with me. This is incredibly important to me because he can detect when I’m about to have a heart attack

Do not pet dog

Michael W.

Isn’t this the cutest service dog in the world? He’s so much more than just adorable—he’s a true friend and an essential medical assistant for me

Do Not Pet Service Dog

S. M.

You’re an awesome and modern service! Thank you so much for making the process simple, fast, and really affordable

Service Dog Lover

Everything was clear and simple. Thank you for explaining everything so thoroughly and making it easy to understand. I had no trouble uploading my doctor’s letter to my personal account. Great service!

ESA Snake feedback


Snakes can be emotional support animals too! I’m so glad your company understands this and recognizes my need. It’s a relief to know that ESAcert is on board

service husky dog


I’m truly grateful for the work my service dog does daily to help me out. She’s incredible, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.

Thank you to ESAcert for making daily life with a service dog so much easier. Your support means the world to us!


His is my bro Chuck (named after the hero from Good Luck Chuck as women can’t resist him), and he means the world to me.

Thanks to your company for helping me get him registered

ESA feeedback

P. T.

Finally, I have found the service I’ve been looking for. Everything is transparent and easy to understand

Save On Set

ESAcert: Reliable Assistant Animal Registrar

Emotional Support Animal Information

ESA CERT provides an affordable Registration Membership for your emotional support animal that will not pinch your pocket. This membership comes in a simple monthly subscription system with a money-back guarantee for the amount for the remaining unused months.

We allow you to get an online membership, which works anywhere and anytime from your computer or mobile. It is easy to share links/QR codes if there are others you’d like to relay the registration information to. Also, our membership allows you to attach your ESA doctor letter or any other note on the digital animal ID webpage, simplifying the assistant animal status proof process.

Membership also means that your emotional support animal is officially recognized, which is great because the law protects you. This official standing enables your emotional support animal to go with you in places where pets are not generally permitted, providing the requisite help for your mental or emotional disability, like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and others.

These animals are legally excluded from the typical limitations related to household pets under federal law, so they are not considered pets. This official standing enables your emotional support animal to go with you in places where pets are not generally permitted, providing the requisite help for your mental or emotional disability, like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and others.

Why do handlers prefer to have an official ESA animal?

ESAs and service animals are always on call and cannot be refused entry by an apartment or building, even if it prohibits pets. Although certain limitations apply to situations that may be potentially unsafe for sanitation and hygiene, any registered ESA can accompany the handler anywhere, including buses or trains. Registration provides an additional level of convenience in quickly confirming the status of your service animal in everyday life, saving the owner significant time and effort.

If you have a verified emotional support animal, you can be sure of its company within restricted areas and housing facilities. The law safeguards your right to have an ESA for your medical purposes. However, it is important to remember that the owner must have a valid letter from a doctor as proof of their medical need for an emotional support animal.

How to get an Emotional Support Animal Registration

With a doctor’s recommendation, also called an ESA letter, you can proceed with your ESA membership with ESACert. ESA Doctor’s letter is the primary document that proves the animal will have a positive impact on your mental health. With the right documentation, your emotional support animal can legally accompany you to the places where you need that support.

What is an ESA letter, and how do you get one?

To qualify for an emotional support animal, the person in question should have a professional medical assessment from a certified mental health care professional. To qualify for an emerita support animal, one must be suffering from a mental health condition such as anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorders, or PTSD. A psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or counselor should diagnose these effects.

The recommendation is normally given as an ESA letter, also called a doctor’s letter. Although the letter must present the mental health condition that qualifies an individual for an ESA, the specific diagnosis may not be necessary. The letter should detail how the animal comforts the person and state that the emotional support animal is part of the recommended treatment plan. No person, including landlords or staff members of a building, organization, or business, can question your mental and emotional issues as you prove the nature of your emotional support animal. All they can ask is if it is an emotional support animal that you are living with.

How do I order an ESA membership for my animal?

Choose a convenient membership term, and note that a one-year or longer subscription includes a free physical ID card confirming your registration. Although it serves the same purpose as the online confirmation page, many people prefer the physical ESA ID card for its credibility. The card includes a QR code that links to your online membership page.

To get a support animal registration please fill out the form:

  • Owner Information: You can identify up to two owners for emotional support animal registration.
  • Animal Type: Regarding the law, any domesticated animals can provide emotional support for their owners.
  • Breed.
  • Photo of the Animal.

Please note that as a registrar, we cannot verify the authenticity of your ESA letter online, so its presence remains the responsibility of our clients. After completing the registration, you can attach your ESA letter to your account to ensure it is always displayed on the verification page.

Please note that funds for additional issued documents, plastic ID cards, and accessories are non-refundable.

ESA Registration Membership Benefits

  1. An easy and convenient way to confirm your animal’s assistant status online.
  2. Live in pet-friendly housing, even in places with no-pet policies under the Fair Housing Act with an ESA accommodation request.
  3. Avoid pet deposits and extra fees for accommodation.
  4. Confirm your right to be in public places with your companion animal. It provides the same public access rights for emotional support animals as service animals have.
  5. Validate your ability to travel with emotional animals on buses, trains, and other ground transportation.
  6. A registration number allows an emotional support animal owner to avoid carrying an ESA doctor’s letter with you at all times in public spaces.
  7. The longer you register, the cheaper the monthly fee will be. However, you are welcome to cancel your membership at any time for a refund of unused months.

Valid ESA Membership Provides

  1. Digital ID confirming the registration of your assistant animal.
  2. Personal Account where you can update photos, add notes (such as the animal’s chip number), and attach an up-to-date ESA letter.
  3. Online Support for any questions or issues.
  4. Order a Physical ESA ID Card, Housing Reasonable Accommodation Request, and ESA Certificate once you have a valid membership.
  5. Discounts on Accessories for your assistant animal


The primary direct law that applies to ESAs in the United States is the Fair Housing Act (FHA), which provides reasonable accommodations for emotional support animals.

One thing worth noting is that while ESAs are widely used, they cannot be considered service animals as defined under the ADA, which only recognizes dogs, cats, and certain other animals that are used by people with physical impairments. Thus, ESAs, unlike service animals, do not possess the same public access rights. In contrast, with Service Animals, animals other than dogs and miniature horses are included, and these animals do not require any training to perform the tasks assigned to them. It is very possible to register rabbits, turtles, raccoons, esta cats, etc.

Other federal and state laws might do this and offer different protections and regulations of ESAs, but the one above specifically relates to the matter in FHA.

The Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibits discrimination in housing based on disability and allows individuals with disabilities to keep emotional support animals, even in housing with “no pets” policies. Landlords must provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with ESAs, and tenants must provide documentation, such as an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional.

The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) regulates the transportation of service animals and emotional support animals on airlines. Airlines must allow emotional support animals to accompany their owners in the cabin without extra charges. Passengers must provide proper documentation in advance, such as an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional.

It is also important to understand that an ESA letter is the original document that allows you to have an emotional support animal. Registration, certification, and similar documents are just additional everyday tools to indicate and prove your ESA dog or other animal status and are not required. Essential membership alone may not be legally adequate evidence of the status, and landlords will be entitled to request an original letter from a doctor.

Benefits of Registered Emotional Support Animal



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