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Mar 28, 2025







Airline Dot Form Information

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You have entered the maximum number of characters

You have entered the maximum number of characters

you can leave it blank and fill it before submitting to your airline

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You have entered the maximum number of characters

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Information about the veterinarian and animal trainer is required only for service dog airline forms. As a service dog owner, you have the right to train your dog yourself.

If you are unable to provide the required details, you can choose to register without the airline form or register as an emotional support dog.

I Agree to

Please fill in all required fields to proceed with the purchase.

  • Primary Animal Handler
  • Animal Type
  • Animal Breed
  • Animal Name
  • Registration State
  • Attach Animal Photo
  • Description of the Animal (including weight)
  • Veterinarian’s Name
  • Veterinarian’s Phone
  • Name of Animal Trainer or Organization
  • Agree with all of the above. Agree of 8

* Complete the fields on the following steps to proceed to payment.

Membership Registration EC- is EXPIRED. VALID and ACTIVE. NOT FOUND.


We found your animal registry, but it has expired EXPIRED.



Mar 28, 2025








We finded your assistant animal registry

is Officially Registered with the ESACERT Registrar.


Mar 28, 2025







We can't find your assistant animal registry

There might be several reasons for this:

You can always register your pet on the registration page.

Register now

If none of the above applies to you, please contact us.

Contact us

Please note that there is no unified Assistant Animal database registration in the USA.
You cannot verify information from other registrars on the website

There is no doctor's letter attached.

Doctor's Letter Not Found